Did you know getting your independent pharmacy accreditation and/or certification can benefit your business?

Some of the benefits of obtaining accreditation and/or certification include:

  • Providing consistency of services, processes, and quality
  • Identifying areas for process improvement
  • Improving your response to COVID, Monkeypox, and other emerging infectious diseases
  • Streamlining your operations for increased adherence and better patient outcomes

The Compliance Team offers a variety of certification programs.

The TCT Pharmacy Suite of Programs

Medicare Approved DMEPOS Accreditation, included with Community Pharmacy Accreditation
Medicare Approved DMEPOS Accreditation is required of all pharmacies that offer DMEPOS products or services. The Compliance Team’s DMEPOS program meets and/or exceeds the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) quality standards. More on DMEPOS Accreditation.

Non-Sterile Compounding Accreditation
Non-Sterile Compounding Accreditation is a sub-specialty of Community Pharmacy Accreditation and addresses processes and standards for medication quality and consistency.

Long-Term Care Accreditation
Long-Term Care Accreditation provides third party validation of your processes and patient outcomes.  Demonstrated commitment to quality and safety can be supported by The Exemplary Provider benchmarking reporting, allowing the pharmacy to present clear data in contract negotiations and referral sources.

Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation
Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation is a program designed for pharmacies that serve patients with complex and/or chronic diseases. As a Specialty Pharmacy, you will be working with quality standards that support consistent practices and attention to patient outcomes.

Infusion/ Sterile Compounding Accreditation
Our Infusion/Sterile Compounding Program includes standards and tools that support the management of a complex Rx environment. Centered on patient safety, the infusion/sterile tract guides the provider to create organizational actions that can be replicated and validated.

TelePharmacy Accreditation
TelePharmacy began in 2004 in North Dakota to help pharmacies in remote areas of the country provide access to Rx services for communities with limited resources and staff. TelePharmacy requirements are guided by state regulation, so policies will vary from state to state. Quality Standards provide the foundation for the pharmacy to meet state laws with a continued focus on patient care and best practices. More on TelePharmacy.

Patient-Centered Pharmacy Home (PCPH) Accreditation
Patient-Centered Pharmacy Home Accreditation is the award-winning program exclusive to The Compliance Team.  The expanding roles of pharmacists across the country makes them a key member of the clinical team for many patients. As a PCPH provider, the pharmacy will incorporate coordination of care, validate consistent practices in medication management, and promote stronger communication within the healthcare team. More on PCPH.

Retail Clinic Accreditation
The retail or “walk-in” clinic is one of healthcare’s fastest growing sectors. These “on-demand” clinics will play an increasingly important role in handling patients with non-urgent medical needs. Retail clinics can range in scope from a small in-store corner cubicle to a stand-alone fully equipped facility. Clinical performance as well as administrative efficiencies are measured against The Compliance Team’s quality standards. Retail clinics will have an immediate positive impact on the public. More and more, patients with non-urgent medical needs have more convenient treatment options. Our bet is that they are going to choose a clinic that is certified as offering exemplary care.


Pharmacy Certification Programs