In a webinar titled "Breaking Barriers: Improving Health Outcomes through SDOH Screening in Community Pharmacies," a panel of experts discussed the importance of social determinants of health (SDOH) screenings and referrals in community pharmacy practice. The panelists highlighted the accessibility and potential of community pharmacies in providing high-touch care and support, especially in light of the projected shortage of primary care physicians. SDOH, defined as the conditions in which people live and their impact on health outcomes, were discussed across five domains: economic stability, education access and quality, health care access and quality, neighborhood and built environments, and social and community context.

The panelists emphasized the role of community pharmacists in the community, as patients frequently visit pharmacies and develop strong relationships with the pharmacy staff. They highlighted the importance of collaboration with community health partners to provide patients with information about benefits and resources. Real-life examples were shared, illustrating the impact of such services on individuals, including helping a woman access necessary resources and aiding a man with transportation after a car accident. The panelists stressed the significance of collecting data on SDOH to inform interventions and identified challenges in conducting screenings and referrals, such as ensuring patient comfort and privacy.

In terms of approaching patients about SDOH, the panelists emphasized the value of being prepared rather than striving for perfection, enabling pharmacists to connect patients with available resources effectively. Overall, the webinar underscored the potential for community pharmacies to address SDOH and improve health outcomes through screenings, referrals, and collaborative partnerships.


Full article from Pharmacy Times here.

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