Pharmacies have a significant opportunity to improve patient care, enhance health outcomes, and reduce costs. Collaboration between pharmacists and physicians is crucial but often challenging to achieve. Community pharmacies, with their accessibility and pharmacists' expertise, are well-suited for monitoring patient health in coordination with physicians. Pharmacists can provide medication assessment, counseling, and lifestyle management recommendations, particularly for chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights opportunities for collaboration, such as health assessments, physician referrals, and pharmacist triage. Deloitte's report emphasizes the role of pharmacists in public health, advocating for better collaboration with physicians. Payment models and limited access to patient records are barriers to collaboration, but advancements in technology are helping address these challenges. Retail pharmacies like Rite Aid and Walgreens are actively seeking cooperative relationships with physicians, focusing on areas like specialty pharmacy, rapid testing, chronic care management, and medication adherence. Improved patient care and increased understanding of the pharmacist's impact are key benefits of collaboration. Additional medical services, mental health screening, and education on protective health measures are becoming routine at pharmacies. Walgreens, for example, offers full-service primary care in partnership with VillageMD.

Collaborative efforts aim to improve healthcare outcomes and lower costs. Opportunities for expansion and enhanced services exist, leveraging the widespread presence of pharmacy locations and strategic partnerships. Overcoming existing payment models that prioritize product dispensing over clinical services is a crucial aspect of advancing pharmacy business models and fostering collaboration.


Full article from Drug Store News here.

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