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Pharmacists: Your Community's Summertime Sun Safety Superheroes

(Estimated reading time 4-5 minutes)

As a pharmacist, you're more than just a medication expert – you're a beacon of health knowledge in your community. With summer approaching, it's time to spotlight your unique position to educate patients about sun safety....

Pharmacists: Unsung Heroes of Healthcare

In a world where access to quality healthcare is increasingly challenging, pharmacists have emerged as unsung heroes, working tirelessly alongside physicians to ensure patients receive the care they need. Despite their extensive training and vital role in the...

Understanding the Impact of Pharmacist Shortages on Patient Care

The healthcare industry is facing a significant shortage of pharmacists, compounded by burnout and challenging work conditions experienced by healthcare professionals. This shortage has particularly impacted community pharmacies, leading to reduced operating hours,...

Drug Shortages Impacting Pharmacy Technicians and Patient Care

In a recent survey conducted by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB), around 96% of certified pharmacy technicians reported experiencing drug shortages in their pharmacies. The survey highlighted a significant impact on various medications, with...