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Webinar: Boost Your Business with Personalized Medicine

PCCA is hosting this free webinar on Thur. August 31, 6:00 PM — 7:30 PM PDT on Zoom

Join them for this webinar to see how pharmacies working with PCCA are transforming into thriving compounding practices. You will gain insights into the biggest compounding...

Transforming Pharmacy Workflow with AI

In a world that's gradually moving beyond the pandemic, the pharmacy sector is preparing for another significant disruption. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are set to change the way Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) fees are applied....

Improving Patient Safety with Pharmacy HIT Standards

In the past, going to a pharmacy for medication often meant uncertainty about costs and insurance coverage, leading to anxiety when receiving bills you couldn't afford. Pharmacies used to extend credit, creating difficulties for both patients and pharmacies....

Tackling Loneliness: A Growing Public Health Issue

An epidemic of loneliness is affecting a significant portion of Americans, with 60% impacted overall, including 75% of young adults and 40% of older adults. Loneliness is linked to mental and physical health disorders, treatment adherence, and hospitalizations.


Concerns Linger Over Pending DIR Fee Changes

Pharmacists are well-informed about the impending Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) fee changes set to begin in 2024. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has finalized a rule to eliminate the retroactive application of DIR fees by pharmacy...

FDA's Prescription Safety Rule in the Works

The FDA's proposed Prescription Medication Information (PMI) regulation aims to revolutionize current consumer medication information, potentially reducing prescription nonadherence and accidental misuse in the US. Studies highlight that such misuse contributes to...

Unionization Trend Among Physicians

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels predicted the proletarian revolution, which didn't occur, but their insights about capitalism's impact on society remain relevant. A recent article notes that the medical field in the U.S. has shifted significantly towards corporate...

Pharmacists Protecting Patients from Online Drug Sellers

The Oath of the Pharmacist urges pharmacists to prioritize the well-being of patients and relieve their suffering. With an increasing number of people turning to the internet for cheaper and more accessible medications, pharmacists play a crucial role in educating...

Addressing US Generic Drug Shortages: AAM's Solutions

The Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) published a white paper addressing generic and biosimilar drug shortages and supply chain challenges in the US.

Generic drugs are crucial to the prescription drug market, making up more than 90% of all small molecule...